Rotating habitats are a staple of Pokémon Go Fest, and they’re returning for the 2024 Global event with four different habitats appearing every couple of hours, each with their own unique Pokémon spawns.
These habitats only appear on the first day of the event to allow trainers to find specific Pokémon to complete their Pokédex or increase the odds of finding a Shiny Pokémon they might be after. These habitats include Dawn Meadow, Shining Day, Creeping Dusk, and Darkest Night.
The Dawn Meadow habitat spawns from 10am to 11am and 2pm to 3pm local time on July 13 and includes the following Pokémon, which can all be Shiny, except for one.
Dawn Meadow habitat spawns at Pokémon Go Fest 2024: Global

General spawns
- Pidgey
- Pikachu wearing a Sun Crown
- Hoothoot
- Hoppip
- Girafarig
- Wingull
- Snivy
- Cottonee
- Ducklett
- Ferroseed
- Axew
- Galarian Stunkfisk
- Heatmor
- Inkay
Incense spawns
- Maractus (no Shiny available)
- Unown A
- Unown D
- Unown G
- Unown H
- Unown I
- Unown N
- Unown T
- Unown Y
Of the Pokémon on offer in the Dawn Meadow habitat, Ducklett is the gold mine after only just recently coming out during Pokémon Go Fest 2024: New York. Maractus is also a great pick for Pokédex completionists, even if the Shiny version isn’t available yet
Other cool picks include Axew, Pikachu with a Sun Crown, and Ferroseed if you’re lucky enough to find a Shiny one this weekend.