Dawn Wings Necrozma is a formidable Legendary Pokémon you can face off against in Pokémon Go. You’ll need to work together alongside other players to defeat it, and to prepare yourself, it’s important to know the best Pokémon to counter it and Dawn Wings Necrozma’s weaknesses.
You can prepare for this fight by bringing six of your best Pokémon against it. These Pokémon are going to be your primary choices during this engagement. While you need your team to be ready, ensure your friends have suitable teams to make taking down Dawn Wings Necrozma much easier. It’s a tough fight in Pokémon Go, and we have a full breakdown of the best Pokémon to use against it and all its weaknesses.
All Dawn Wings Necrozma weaknesses in Pokémon Go

Dawn Wings Necrozma is a Psychic and Ghost-type Pokémon. It is weak against Dark and Ghost-type attacks but resistant to Fighting, Normal, Poison, and Psychic-type moves. You primarily want to use Dark-type attacks and Pokémon against them, as these have the best chance of lasting the longest during these encounters in Pokémon Go.
Although Ghost-type moves are also good in this battle, Dawn Wings Necrozma has several attacks perfect for taking out Ghost-type Pokémon. Here’s the full move list that Dawn Wings Necrozma can use in a five-star raid.
- Dark Pulse (Dark-type)
- Future Sight (Psychic-type)
- Iron Head (Steel-type)
- Moongeist Beam (Ghost-type)
- Metal Claw (Steel-type)
- Outrage (Dragon-type)
- Psycho Cut (Psychic-type)
- Shadow Claw (Ghost-type)
Dawn Wings Necrozma can unleash Dark, Dragon, Ghost, Psychic, and Steel-type moves. Dark-type Pokémon have the best chance of taking any super effective damage from these attacks, making them the go-to option for this five-star battle in Pokémon Go.
The best Pokémon to counter Dawn Wings Necrozma
When creating a team to fight against Dawn Wings Necrozma, the best Pokémon you can use are Tyranitar, Hydreigon, and Gyarados.
The first choice, Tyranitar, is a Dark and Rock-type Pokémon. It is resistant to many of Dawn Wings Necrozma’s attacks, and it can dish out multiple Dark-type moves that are perfect in this encounter. If you want to strengthen it, Tyranitar can become stronger by giving it a Mega Evolution. The best moveset to give Tyranitar is the fast move Bite and the charged moves Brutal Swing and Crunch.
Next, we have the Dark and Dragon-type Pokémon, Hydreigon. Like Tyranitar, Hydreigon has the advantage of being a Dark-type and won’t take too much damage from many of Dawn Wings Necrozma’s attacks during this Pokémon Go battle. Although it cannot Mega Evolve, Hydreigon remains a formidable opponent. The best moveset to teach it is the fast move Bite and the charged moves Brutal Swing and Dark Pulse.
The final Pokémon I want to highlight is Gyarados, a Water and Flying-type Pokémon. While it is not a Dark-type, it can become Mega Gyarados, changing to a Water and Dark-type. If you can use a Mega Gyarados, I highly recommend it, as it can be one of the stronger Dark-type Mega Evolutions in Pokémon Go, perfect for this encounter. The best moveset to give Gyarados is the fast move Bite and the charged moves Hydro Pump and Aqua Tail.
While those three are some of your best choices, you still need to fill out the rest of your team with six other Pokémon. Here are some recommendations to consider when taking on Dawn Wings Necrozma.
- Absol
- Banette
- Blacephalon
- Chandelure
- Darkrai
- Gholdengo
- Guzzlord
- Honchkrow
- Incineroar
- Lunala
- Mega Gengar
- Mewtwo
After defeating Dawn Wings Necrozma, you can catch Necrozma at the end of the encounter. Unfortunately, Dawn Wings Necrozma itself won’t appear for you: If you want to get one, you must fuse a Necrozma with a Lunala and spend Lunar Fusion Energy to combine them. You can get Lunar Fusion Energy by completing Dawn Wings Necrozma raids in Pokémon Go.