From the first trio to the last, starter Pokémon are some of the most popular in the franchise. Even as you gather more Pokémon in your journeys, your starter in each game is a special little pal.
Here are each and every one of the starter Pokémon and their respective games from the first to the ninth generation.
Generation 1: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander
- Pokémon Red & Pokémon Blue
- Release Date: Feb. 27, 1998
- Platform: Game Boy
- Pokémon FireRed & Pokémon LeafGreen
- Release Date: Jan. 28, 2004
- Platform: Game Boy Advance

The trio that started it all. Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander are three of the most popular Pokémon ever to be created. As a kid, many of us agonized over which starter to take with us on our first adventure through the Kanto region. Now, these three have become a mainstay in the franchise and are quite often featured in most Pokémon titles.
Generation 1: Pikachu
- Pokémon Yellow
- Release Date: Sept. 12, 1998
- Platform: Game Boy

Some players might forget Pikachu was actually a Generation 1 starter as well. Pikachu was the only starter option in Pokémon Yellow, which was released after the original games of Red, Blue, and Green.
Generation 2: Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil
- Pokémon Gold & Pokémon Silver
- Release Date: Nov. 21, 1999
- Platform: Game Boy Color
- Pokémon Crystal
- Release Date: Dec. 14, 2000
- Platform: Game Boy Color
- Pokémon HeartGold & Pokémon SoulSilver
- Release Date: Sept. 12, 2009
- Platform: Nintendo DS

While the second trio of Pokémon starters aren’t nearly as popular as the first, they’re still a wonderfully designed group of Pokémon. Many fans tended to gravitate towards Totodile or Cyndaquil due to their final evolutions, but each starter is well-liked by a majority of the community.
Generation 3: Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic
- Pokémon Ruby & Pokémon Sapphire
- Release Date: Nov. 21, 2002
- Platform: Game Boy Advance
- Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
- Release Date: Nov. 21, 2014
- Platform: Nintendo 3DS

Generation 3 of Pokémon is where things really began to change for the franchise. The graphics improved, and the game finally saw a truly expanded Pokédex. The Hoenn region was also headlined by arguably the three strongest starters to date: Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic.
All three Pokémon were viable by the end of their evolutions, making them a huge hit with fans. Torchic and Mudkip were considered the better starters due to their overall move sets and final type combinations.
Generation 4: Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar
- Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl
- Release Date: Sept. 28, 2006
- Platform: Nintendo DS
- Pokémon Platinum
- Release Date: Sept. 13, 2008
- Platform: Nintendo DS
- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Pokémon Shining Pearl
- Release Date: Nov. 19, 2021
- Platform: Nintendo Switch

Generation 4 and the region of Sinnoh is easily one of the most beloved by longtime fans of the Pokémon series. The region had a terrific group of new Pokémon, an interesting story, different weather elements on the map, and a great trio of starters. You really couldn’t go wrong with any of the starters, and all three are quite adorable, which only makes the choice more difficult.
Generation 5: Snivy, Oshawott, Tepig
- Pokémon Black & Pokémon White
- Release Date: Sept. 18, 2010
- Platform: Nintendo DS
- Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2
- Release Date: June 23, 2012
- Platform: Nintendo DS

This is where things began to go downhill in regards to the starter Pokémon. Fans were growing tired of the Fire starter especially, as all the past couple of generations made it have the Fighting type as well. This made some fans resent Tepig and its eventual evolution in Emboar, which was a Fire/Fighting type. However, the overall designs of the starters didn’t seem to resonate with fans, leading to Gen 5 having a more forgettable trio than other generations.
Generation 6: Chespin, Froakie, Fennekin
- Pokémon X & Pokémon Y
- Release Date: Oct. 13, 2013
- Platform: Nintendo 3DS

Generation 6 is arguably the most polarizing title in regards to starter Pokémon. While on the one hand, we have one of the most popular starters ever in Froakie, we also have Fennekin, which was one of the most unpopular starters to date. However, Fennekin itself wasn’t to blame, but instead, its final evolution in Delphox. While some Pokémon fans will stand by Delphox to this day, a majority of players didn’t enjoy yet another bipedal Fire starter. Froakie saved Gen. 6, though, as it eventually evolves into Greninja, a top-five starter in most fans’ opinion. Chespin, unfortunately, largely fell to the wayside due to Froakie’s popularity.
Generation 7: Rowlet, Popplio, Litten
- Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon
- Release Date: Nov. 18, 2016
- Platform: Nintendo 3DS
- Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
- Release Date: Nov. 17, 2017
- Platform: Nintendo 3DS

The trio of Rowlet, Popplio, and Litten is quite interesting, as some fans seemingly loved them and others didn’t like them at all. In fairness, this trio looks fairly mundane as far as Pokémon go. Rowlet looks like an owl, Popplio looks like a seal, and Litten looks like a cat. There’s not a ton of creativity with the exception of Rowlet’s bowtie. Pokémon Sun and Moon didn’t push the envelope too much with these starters, to say the least.
Generation 7: Pikachu and Eevee
- Pokémon: Let’s Go Pikachu! & Pokémon: Let’s Go Eevee!
- Release Date: Nov. 16, 2018
- Platform: Nintendo Switch

A forgotten era of Generation 7, the Pokémon Let’s Go games were actually released before Sword and Shield, which kicked off Gen 8. These games weren’t a huge hit with the broader audience but they definitely introduced a new way of playing. Eevee made its debut as a starter, while Pikachu returned for a second go-round.
Generation 8: Grookey, Sobble, Scorbunny
- Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield
- Release Date: Nov. 15, 2019
- Platform: Nintendo Switch

In Generation 8, we have the most recent starters to come out of a main series Pokémon game. The starters in Grookey, Sobble, and Scorbunny were mostly a pleasant sight for most fans.
They featured some creativity in their design. As for each of the starters’ final evolution typings, the developers decided to play it safe and not give any of the Pokémon a secondary typing. The opinion on this decision changes based on who you ask, but the starters themselves from Generation 8 were certainly a step in the right direction.
Generation 8: Rowlet, Oshawott, Cyndaquil
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- Release Date: Jan. 28, 2022

Pokémon: Legends Arceus was the first major departure from the classic gameplay loop fans had come to know. The game was open-world, featured a new way to catch and battle Pokémon, and saw players take on missions themselves. The starters for the game were a mix of different generations, with Cyndaquil, Oshawott, and Rowlet making an appearance.
Generation 9: Sprigatito, Quaxly, Fuecoco
- Pokémon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet
- Release Date: Nov. 18, 2022
- Platform: Nintendo Switch

Finally, we have the final generation of Pokémon and its starters. Back when they were first revealed, most fans specifically fell for Sprigatito, the Grass-type cat Pokémon.
However, the Fire-type Fuecoco and Water-type Quaxly certainly have their fans as well. Whichever one of the three you choose, you’ve got a great buddy to battle, travel, and eat sandwiches with while exploring the open world of the Paldea region.
Generation 10: ?
- Pokémon ? & Pokémon ?
- Release Date: TBA
- Platform: TBA
With the release of new hardware on the horizon a new generation of Pokémon is also expected to make its debut sometime soon. Considering there appears to be a new game released every three years at this point, we expect the next generation of Pokémon to be teased anywhere in 2024, with a 2024-2025 release date.
This would be a great way to kick off a new generation and a new region, but we have to question exactly what we could be in for.