If you’re looking to take on a challenge in battle, or simply gather some incredible loot in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, then eventually you’ll need to take on a Silver Lynel.
One of the most powerful enemies in Tears of the Kingdom, the Silver Lynel is similar to the colored Lynels that you’ll find around the map; however, they’re much more dangerous and in turn drop way better items.
If you’re ready to take on the challenge then you need to find them first, and if you don’t know what you’re looking for you’ll probably never see one. Here’s how to find a Silver Lynel in Tears of the Kingdom.
Where to find Silver Lynel in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You can only find Silver Lynels in Tears of the Kingdom after bringing down all other Lynels across Hyrule. There are multiple Silver Lynels to be found, but not all of them can be seen unless you have already taken down the original beasts from their locations.
This means that if you want to spawn as many Silver Lynels as possible you first need to defeat all the game’s regular Lynels. Once you have done this, to spawn the Silver Lynel, you need to wait for a Blood Moon. Once the Blood Moon is active a Silver Lynel will spawn at the location where you previously eliminated the original Lynel.
There are three of these locations in the Hyrule overworld:
- Tama Pound, east of Rito Village: 2767,1824, 0309
- Rabia Plain in the Lanaryu Region: 2480, -0546, 0115
- Nautelle Wetlands in the Faron Region: –0598, -3846, 0065
Once you have beaten these three, the remaining Silver Lynel can only be found in The Depths. Here are the coordinates for these monsters:
- -0177, 1169, -0515
- 1029, 1158, -0474
- 1038, -0302, 0468
- 1549, -3533, -0512
- -1613, 2568, -0682
- -2726, -2241, -0468
- 4263, 2721, -0577
- Two Silver Lynels can be found in the Floating Coliseum: -1143, -1220, -0452
With these coordinates, you’re now set to travel the map and take down the Silver Lynels for their incredible looks and loot. Just remember to take out the original Lynel in its place first!