Not all Pals are created equal, and because of a few quirky design elements, there’s more that makes a Pal good at their job than having a high score in its category.
Even when you know exactly which qualifications you’re after in a Pal, you still have the pesky problem of finding a Pal with the stats you’re looking for. This guide briefly explains how you should assign Pals to your base, and gives you a clear list of the best worker Pals for each job category in Palworld.
How to tell if a Pal is a good worker in Palworld

I remember catching my first Penking and thinking, “this must be one of the best base Pals in the game—this guy does everything!” Fast forward a few hours, and I had five Penkings running around my base being distracted by everything, completing a grand total of absolutely nothing. This is because Pals with too many job suitabilities get distracted by multiple tasks, and end up unable to stay on any task long enough to complete it.
With that said, a Pal that can complete multiple jobs isn’t inherently a bad thing; it all depends on what jobs a Pal can do and what job you want it to do. Some tasks, like Lumbering and Mining, are always going to pull eligible Pals to them because they’re always available en masse. Jobs like Electricity Generating and Medicine Production are far less likely to attract Pals’ attention, as they’re rarely passively available.
If a Pal has Lumbering, Medicine Production, Farming, and Kindling, it isn’t definitively a bad worker Pal, but it probably would be best-suited for Lumbering. If you need lots of Kindling done, you’d be better off finding a Pal that doesn’t have Lumbering or Mining.
While this is important to remember, multiple work skills aren’t always a bad thing; it all depends on your base and what you need from a given Pal. With this in mind, here are the best Pals for each job in Palworld.
Best Pals for Kindling

One of the hardest things about finding good Kindling Pals is how many of them also have Lumbering or Mining, which means you’ll often return to your base to find your designated cook has spent the last hour at the Lumbering Farm instead of making cakes. Here are our picks for Pals that combine high Kindling levels with minimal distractions:
Pal | Kindling level | Other jobs |
Jormuntide Ignis | Four | N/A |
Sootseer | Three | Mining, Farming, Gathering, Handiwork |
Ragnahawk | Three | Transporting |
Faleris | Three | Transporting |
Reptyro | Three | Mining |
Best Pals for Watering

Watering is an easy enough job to keep under lockdown, as tons of different Pals are fantastic at it and also don’t have any other job suitability to bog them down. The only thing you need to watch out for here is how larger Pals love getting stuck on anything and everything; try to place your crops and Crusher with that phenomenon in mind.
Pal | Watering level | Other jobs |
Jormuntide | Four | N/A |
Azurobe | Three | N/A |
Broncherry Aqua | Three | N/A |
Suzaku Aqua | Three | N/A |
Best Pals for Planting

Planting is an easy job to keep consistently manned because Lyleen and Broncherry both don’t have any “permanent” jobs like Lumbering or Mining, meaning even if they do get distracted, it’s for a finite amount of time to make Medicine or do Handiwork.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Planting takes a short amount of time and leaves room for lots of other tasks while crops are growing, so in this case, it’s usually better to assign a Pal that does other things as well.
Pal | Planting level | Other jobs |
Lyleen | Four | Handiwork, Gathering, Medicine Production |
Broncherry | Three | N/A |
Petallia | Three | Handiwork, Gathering, Medicine Production, Transporting |
Shroomer | Two | Handiwork, Gathering, Lumbering |
Vaelet | Two | Handiwork, Gathering, Medicine Production, Transporting |
Best Pals for Generating Electricity

Generating Electricity is one of the few jobs I’ve found Pals actually stay assigned to. Throw a Pal on a furnace, and they’ll do anything else when you turn your back. Throw a Pal on a Generator, and they’ll probably stay put. This means you don’t have to be as careful about Electric Pals with other job suitabilities, as they don’t get distracted.
Pal | Generating Electricity level | Other jobs |
Orserk | Four | Handiwork, Transporting |
Helzephyr Lux | Three | Transporting |
Relaxaurus Lux | Three | Transporting |
Grizzbolt | Three | Handiwork, Lumbering, Transporting |
Beakon | Two | Gathering, Transporting |
Best Pals for Handiwork

Handiwork is unique because it isn’t ever passively in demand. The only time a Handiwork job needs doing is when you’ve specifically ordered it. So, Anubis is your guy. Anubis won’t ever leave his precious Mining station for even a second unless you pick him up and throw him at a bench or assembly line—but that extra step is well worth the speed at which Anubis crafts. If you don’t have an Anubis yet, the same logic applies to the other Pals.
Pal | Handiwork level | Other jobs |
Anubis | Four | Mining, Transporting |
Selyne | Three | Medicine Production, Transporting |
Lyleen | Three | Planting, Gathering, Medicine Production |
Lunaris | Three | Gathering, Transporting |
Wixen | Three | Kindling, Transporting |
Best Pals for Gathering

Gathering is similar to Planting in that it only requires small bursts of work with long periods of downtime in between tasks. Unless your base has tons of crops, you probably don’t need to keep a Frostallion Noct sitting around. Instead, I use Verdash, who completes any Gathering job quickly when it comes up and doesn’t sit around Idle the rest of the time.
Pal | Gathering level | Other jobs |
Frostallion Noct | Four | N/A |
Jetragon | Three | N/A |
Knocklem | Three | Transporting, Mining |
Verdash | Three | Planting, Handiwork, Lumbering, Gathering |
Grintale | Two | N/A |
Best Pals for Lumbering

Lumbering is a weird one. On the one hand, it’s one of the single most important jobs in Palworld. On the other hand, the fact that a Lumbering Farm never runs out of work that can be done right here and right now means Pals love leaving their important jobs to spend an eternity gathering Wood, even though you already have 10,000.
Tons of Pals are equipped with Lumbering, and in my experience, the job gets done whether you like it or not. These Pals are the most efficient choices.
Pal | Lumbering level | Other jobs |
Prixter | Three | Gathering, Medicine Production |
Wumpo | Three | Transporting, Handiwork, Cooling |
Wumpo Botan | Three | Planting, Handiwork, Transporting |
Warsect | Three | Planting, Handiwork, Transporting |
Bushi | Three | Kindling, Handiwork, Gathering, Transporting |
Best Pals for Mining

Mining is without a doubt the most important skill in Palworld. Setting up a proper ore farm requires finesse, planning, and Pals with great Mining scores. Thankfully, it’s easy enough to design a second base that doesn’t have anything to distract your peak Miners from their work. Similar to Lumbering, watch how tempting a Stone Pit is to Pals. If you have a Pal that has Mining in addition to another job you really want them to do, try to keep them as far away from a Stone Pit as possible.
Pal | Mining level | Other jobs |
Astegon | Four | Handiwork |
Blazemut | Four | Kindling |
Xenogard | Three | N/A |
Anubis | Three | Handiwork, Transporting |
Reptyro Cryst | Three | Cooling |
Best Pals for Medicine Production

Medicine Production is exactly like Handiwork in that there’s never a passive demand for it. Medicine is only made when you order it specifically, so work around that fact. Don’t leave a Felbat in your base unless you actively need Medicine to be made, and don’t be afraid to have Medicine Production Pals that also contribute elsewhere. When you need Medicine, hard-assign them to a Workbench.
Pal | Medicine Production level | Other jobs |
Bellanoir | Four | Handiwork, Transporting |
Felbat | Three | N/A |
Lyleen Noct | Three | Handiwork, Gathering |
Selyne | Three | Handiwork, Transporting |
Vaelet | Three | Planting, Handiwork, Gathering |
Best Pals for Cooling

I don’t want to say Cooling is broken in Palworld, but here’s the thing: sorting an inventory refreshes the expiration timer on all food in that inventory, so Cooling is absolutely unnecessary 99 percent of the time. Combine that with the fact that, unlike Power Generators, Pals seem to love sneaking away from the Cooler even after they’ve been hard assigned, and you can’t rely on them to keep your food safe anyway. The only time you should worry about Cooling Pals is when you need to keep an egg cold to reduce its incubation time.
Pal | Cooling level | Other jobs |
Frostallion | Four | N/A |
Reptyro Cryst | Three | Mining |
Kingpaca Cryst | Three | Gathering |
Cryolinx | Three | Handiwork, Lumbering |
Foxcicle | Two | N/A |
Best Pals for Transporting

Unless you’re setting up an ore farm, Transporting can be something of a lower-priority task. In an ore farm, strong gatherers are necessary to allow more ore to spawn. In a regular base, Transporting is more about keeping your farm from becoming an absolute mess. Still, if you can afford a slot for a designated transporter, it keeps everything running at peak efficiency. The thing to be careful about with this job suitability is how easily it can cause Pals to get stuck in a perpetual state of running to pick something up, only to be distracted by something else along the way.
Pal | Transporting level | Other jobs |
Knocklem | Four | Mining, Gathering |
Wumpo | Four | Handiwork, Lumbering, Cooling |
Wumpo Botan | Four | Planting, Handiwork, Lumbering |
Dragostrophe | Three | N/A |
Faleris | Three | Kindling |
Best Pals for Farming

It’s difficult to say what the best Farming Pals are, as the only caveat for Farming is what resource you’re after. Instead, I’ve listed Pals here based on which resources I think are the most important: the ones needed to make Cake, and then Gold (because who doesn’t love passive income). Don’t be afraid to swap Pals in and out of your Farm if you’re low on Wool, High Quality Cloth, Flame Organs, etc. In fact, it is probably best to always be swapping Pals in and out depending on how your reserves are looking.
Pal | Farming level | Resource |
Beegarde | One | Honey |
Mozzarina | One | Milk |
Chikipi | One | Egg |
Mau Cryst | One | Gold |