The Gaping Crevasse is a dungeon in Diablo 4 which houses the end game boss Uber Duriel. Considering this boss holds some of the best Unique and Legendary loot in the game, finding and clearing the Gaping Crevasse is a challenge.
If you are going into the Gaping Crevasse dungeon to clear and kill Duriel in Diablo 4, then you need to make several preparations first. Many bosses introduced in the seasonal realms require players to gather specific items to gather specific items from weaker bosses.
In the case of Duriel, you need to bring two Shards of Agony and two Mucus-Slicked Eggs to summon him. So long as you have these items in your inventory, then you are prepared to delve into the Gaping Crevasse dungeon in Diablo 4.
Where to find the Gaping Crevasse in Diablo 4

The Gaping Crevasse is a dungeon in Diablo 4 located in the southeastern portion of Kehjistan. The easiest way to get to this location is to travel to the city of Gae Kul and go to the location listed above. Like many other dungeons, all you need to do is approach the entrance and press the prompted button.
If you intend to take on Uber Duriel for his treasure trove of loot, then you need to make sure that you have two Shards of Agony and two Mucus-Slick Eggs. Though you can complete the dungeon without these two items, you won’t be able to summon Duriel.
How to clear the Gaping Crevasse in Diablo 4

The Gaping Crevasse is a short, level 100-plus dungeon in Diablo 4 that can lead you to the boss Uber Duriel. Excluding the Duriel portion of the dungeon, the Gaping Crevasse is a very short, straightforward instance.
The short section before you reach the altar to summon Duriel is a direct line into the center of the dungeon. All that stands in your way are two mob types: Mother’s Heralds and Mother’s Disciples. As long as you meet the level requirement to this dungeon, then this intro section should be a breeze.
Whenever you hit the World’s Bubo section, walk up to the Pestilent Altar (seen above) and deposit your two items to summon Duriel. Although an Uber Boss, Duriel is not too hard so long as you stock up on Poison Resistance.