Dog Coin is a new item added in Palworld’s Sakurajima update with unique uses to unlock rare and exciting items. However, if you randomly find one, the game doesn’t tell you where to go or how to use them. So let’s explain what you can do with them when you come across them.
How to get Dog Coin in Palworld

To get a Dog Coin in Palworld, you must find and randomly kill Mimog, which are chest-like creatures hidden across the map. There’s no way to guarantee finding one, as they can spawn anywhere. You need to kill, not catch, a Mimog to get its Dog Coins, so be prepared to be on the hunt for a while.
When you kill one, you can get any coins, so you never know how many you might need to kill before you get the amount you need for specific items.
How to use Dog Coin in Palworld

To use Dog Coin in Palworld, you must find the Medal Merchant, a new merchant added in the recent update. The Medal Merchant can be found in the derelict churches scattered across Palworld’s various items, but there is no guarantee he will be there when you turn up. The merchant is quite large, dons a yellow cloak, and has unique items, including accessory slot upgrades, weird hats, and items to use your coins on.
If you find one and have a strong Pal Sphere, make sure you illegally catch the Medal Merchant so you don’t have to find him again.