Good social skills are key to communicating and interacting with others, and this clue in today’s NYT Crossword puzzle has infinite possibilities.
The July 15 crossword clue “Good social skill” is a real doozy because interpersonal or soft skills can range from understanding facial cues to working well with others. This clue references a teachable skill we should all be versed in.
‘Good social skill’ NYT Mini Crossword clues and answer

- Hint 1: The opposite of this refers to being blunt.
- Hint 2: You do this to ensure you don’t hurt others with difficult feedback.
- Hint 3: Active listening is the most crucial element here.
- Hint 4: It starts with a “T.”
If you’re still trying to figure out what “Good social skill” refers to in today’s crossword, please don’t read on, as I’ve included the answer below.
The answer to “Good social skill” is “TACT.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Tact means to do or say the right thing without making anyone angry or unhappy. Having this social skill means you can put aside your emotions and deal with difficult situations so that you won’t offend the other party. It’s an essential skill to have both in business and your relationships.
Now you know the answer to 2D, you can complete the rest of today’s mini crossword puzzle. If you’re in a pickle, I’ve popped all the clues and answers below.
All hints and answers for the July 15 NYT Crossword puzzle
- 1A School org. for moms and dads—PTA
- 4A Polymath extraordinaire Sir ___ Newton—ISAAC
- 6A Symbol of the Olympics—TORCH
- 7A Stale and overused, as a saying—TRITE
- 8A “Absolutely!”—YES
- 1D Site of the 2024 Summer Olympics—PARIS
- 2D Good social skill—TACT
- 3D Really feel a rigorous workout—ACHE
- 4D ___-bitty—ITTY
- 5D Really feeling a rigorous workout—SORE
Good social skill clue difficulty
There are a plethora of good social skills people should have in their arsenal for improving and maintaining relationships. However, tact isn’t the first one I thought of, and it stumped me for a while because I was thinking of being kind or actively listening.
It wasn’t until I eventually solved 1A,4A, and 6A that I realized the answer, and I’m certain I wasn’t the only one puzzled by this clue today. So, I’d give today’s “Good social skill” clue a four out of five. It was solvable, but not right away.
Word games to play after the NYT Mini Crossword puzzle
If you’ve finished the NYT mini crossword puzzle and want to play more like this, try the ones from the LA Times or the Washington Post. They’re just as fun and quick but challenging enough that you’ll be scratching your head for a few minutes trying to solve them.
Or, if you want a bit more of a challenge, try the NYT’s Spelling Bee or Strands games. To solve these word games, you must think outside the box and test the limits of your English language knowledge. They’re enjoyable and a great way to spend part of your day.