Having a sweet tooth pays off with the Teamfight Tactics Sugarcraft trait in Set 12 Magic n’ Mayhem. Earn Sugar through components to complete a cake and receive Loot Orbs.
What TFT Set 12 champions have the Sugarcraft trait?

Five TFT Set 12 champions have the Sugarcraft trait, of which two are three-cost units. Rumble and Bard have two additional traits but none of the five champions share a trait outside of Sugarcraft.
Set 12 Sugarcraft champion | Champion cost | Other traits | Spell ability |
Soraka | One-cost | Mage | Soraka deals magic damage to adjacent enemies through falling stars. Soraka heals a nearby ally, increased if they’re below 50 percent health. |
Rumble | Two-cost | Blaster and Vanguard | Rumble gains damage reduction and fires a cone, dealing magic damage for three seconds. Rumble also Wounds the enemy for five seconds. |
Bard | Three-cost | Scholar and Preserver | Bard sends a missile at a target that bounces four times between enemies dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies also take 10 percent more damage for four seconds. |
Jinx | Three-cost | Hunter | Jinx gains 125 percent decaying attack speed with her attacks dealing bonus true damage for four seconds. Takedowns refresh this effect for three seconds. |
Gwen | Warrior | Four-cost | Passive: For every two casts, Gwen gains a Snip stack. Active: Gwen dashes and Snips twice plus once for every Snip stack. Each Snkp deals magic damage in a cone. |
Most TFT Set 12 comps will likely run two Sugarcraft champions over four, unless the goal is to hit six to maximize loot payout Orbs. Gwen is the four-cost premier carry, while Soraka is a support champion. Rumble, Bard, and Jinx are backline units.
All Sugarcraft trait TFT Set 12 breakpoints and abilities

Breakpoints for the Sugarcraft trait in Set 12 are 2/4/6. Hitting the breakpoint of six requires a Sugarcraft Emblem. Sugar is gained for each component, increasing at each breakpoint. Breakpoints also grant ability power and attack damage that increases at higher breakpoints.
- Two: Two Sugar per component, plus 15 ability power and attack damage
- Four: Four Sugar per component, plus 30 ability power and attack damage
- Six: Six Sugar per component, plus 50 ability power and attack damage
Slamming components and items matters with the Sugarcraft trait as each component adds Sugar, which is used to build a cake on the side of the TFT arena board. Completing layers of the cake increases team stats. The cake has seven layers, granting loot treats upon completion.
Details of how much Sugar is needed to create a cake level haven’t been revealed yet. I also expect there will be a loot table for the TFT Set 12 Sugarcraft trait.