Summon Bees while Rerolling low-cost champions to a top four with the Honeymancy trait in Teamfight Tactics Set 12. The Honeymancy trait is similar to previous Reroll traits with a sweet twist. Dive into the Magic n’ Mayhem comp through our Honeymancy guide, detailing champions, abilities, and breakpoints.
What TFT Set 12 champions have the Honeymancy trait?
Five TFT Set 12 champions have the Honeymancy trait. All Honeymancy champions are fairly cheaply costed at three or less, making it the official Reroll comp of Magic n’ Mayhem.
Set 12 Honeymancy champion | Champion cost | Other traits | Spell ability |
Blitzcrank | One-cost | Vanguard | Gain a shield for four seconds. When the shield expires, deal magic damage split between the two closest enemies. |
Ziggs | One-cost | Incantor | Ziggs throws a bouncing Bee at the farthest target, gaining seven percent more damage for each bounce. The Bee explodes on the first target or end of its life, dealing magic damage to enemies in a small area. |
Kog’Maw | Two-cost | Hunter | Kog’Maw launches honey through a target, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Adjacent allies hit by the honey trail gain attack speed for four seconds. |
Nunu | Two-cost | Bastion | Bite a target dealing magic damage and Chilling them for three seconds. |
Veigar | Three-cost | Mage | Passive: Gain three ability power for every ZAP purchased. Active: Deal magic damage to a target. |
Blitzcrank is the main tank within the TFT Honeymancy trait while Kog’Maw and Nunu are the flexible frontline units. Ziggs is the early-game backline carry who teams up with Veigar during the mid to lategame stages.
All Honeymancy trait TFT Set 12 breakpoints and abilities

Much like past Reroll comps in TFT, the Honemancy Set 12 trait has breakpoints at three and five, allowing you to go all-in on the Reroll strategy into the lategame Stages. Activating the trait summons Bees.
- Three: Three bees
- Five: Five bees
Bees in TFT Set 12 are a nuisance like Burn, dealing 10 percent of damage dealt, and 2.5 percent of damage taken every three seconds. They also don’t go away, surviving when a Honeymancer unit dies and attaching to another nearby Honeymancy champion until combat ends that turn.