A new interactive live concert experience has arrived on the Fortnite servers, one that takes you through five iconic Metallica songs and provides unique gameplay for each song’s experience. But this concert is only around for a limited time.
The Metallica concert in Fortnite, also known as Fuel, Fire, Fury, has a limited number of showtimes during the weekend of June 22 and 23. Each showtime acts as a short window of opportunity for players to join the concert lobby and participate in the show.
How to join the Fortnite Metallica live event concert
To join the Metallica concert, you’ll need to have Fortnite open right when the showtime for the concert goes live.

- Saturday, June 22: 1pm CT, 4pm CT, 10pm CT
- Sunday, June 23: 9am CT, 1pm CT, 4pm CT
While this time window hasn’t been confirmed, several players have stated that you have 30 minutes to complete the concert after the showtime starts. You can do so multiple times if you choose.
When it’s showtime, an Epic-created playlist on the Play tab should appear titled “Metallica: Fuel. Fire. Fury.” This is the Metallica concert. You should be able to join with a full party of four, either in a public match or a private match. Once you and your party are ready, matchmaking should begin. If you’re in a public match, you’ll share the concert experience with a full group of 16 players.
You should load into a waiting area that looks like a gas station covered by a sandstorm; once the timer finishes, the concert experience should begin. The concert doesn’t last long, but it is a fun time. And good luck against the Master.
It’s unclear if the Metallica concert will be available during other weekends, so don’t miss it!