It would take hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours playing League of Legends to collect every champion without spending your hard-earned cash by the truckload. That’s why the weekly free champions handed out by Riot Games can be great for trying them all out before committing to buying anything.
Every Tuesday, 20 out of the 168 total League champions are selected to become free-to-play in unranked playlists. Here are this week’s free champions.
League of Legends free champion rotation – July 9 to 16

It’s another week in League, meaning you can play 20 new champions for free. This week’s champion rotation list includes a scary cat, a little girl, and a king. So, there’s something for everyone. The champions currently crushing it on the Rift, and the ones you can try out for free this week are Skarner, Nasus, and Twitch.
While these are only a few of the free champions, below is the full list of 20 free champions you can try this week in League:
- Ivern
- Kalista
- Karma
- Karthus
- Kog’Maw
- Milio
- Nasus
- Neeko
- Rakan
- Renata Glasc
- Rengar
- Sett
- Shaco
- Skarner
- Talon
- Twitch
- Volibear
- Xerath
- Yasuo
- Yorick
If you’re new to League and are unsure where to start, try Sett or Karma. They’re both relatively simple champions. This free-play rotation will update on July 16, with 20 more characters added. Any debuting League champions are added three weeks after release.