The “maritime setting” clue in the New York Times Mini Crossword can be tricky. First, you need to know what “maritime” means, and second, “setting” can refer to thousands of things. I’m here to help you narrow it down and find a solution.
I knew “maritime” meant related to the ocean, and since the answer is a three-letter word, it wasn’t too hard to guess from there. But I’ll help you get there too.
Hints to solve Maritime setting Crossword clue

- Hint 1: “Setting” means a place or scene.
- Hint 2: “Maritime” relates to the ocean.
- Hint 3: The solution refers to a big body of water.
- Hint 4: It’s the expanse of water that covers the entire planet.
If you don’t want to see the answer, stop reading now because I reveal the solution below.
The answer to “maritime setting” in today’s NYT mini crossword is “SEA.” It’s a three-letter word for ocean, fitting perfectly into today’s puzzle. There weren’t many options, and the answer to nine-down, “PTA,” helps you get on the right track.
Full list of answers to today’s NYT Mini Crossword
Check out the fully solved June 27 NYT Mini Crossword board below. You’ll find all the correct answers in their spots. If you don’t want to see the final answers, skip to the next section because I still have more content for you.
- 1A Not at work today – OFF
- 4A Sushi order – ROLL
- 6A With 8-Across, what might have your family hanging by a thread? – GROUP
- 8A See 6-Across – TEXT
- 9A Maritime setting – SEA
- 1D The “O” of NATO: Abbr. – ORG
- 2D ___ Worth, Tex. – FORT
- 3D Drifting sheets of ice – FLOES
- 5D Expensive and high-quality – LUXE
- 7D School grp. for moms and dads – PTA
Best word games to play after the NYT Mini Crossword
If you’re looking for other fun word games like the Mini, try the Washington Post, LA Times, and The Sun versions. I play these every day and really enjoy them. You can also try Spelling Bee and Strands on the New York Times website. These aren’t crosswords, but they are different and challenging puzzles. Spelling Bee tests your vocabulary, while Strands tests your ability to find words based on a theme. Both games are fun and challenging, and you can share your results with friends or on social media to see how you compare with other players.
If you think the NYT Minis are enough, you can wait until 2 a.m. CT tomorrow (basically the next morning) to play a new puzzle. Changing the time and date on your phone or computer won’t give you a new puzzle because the refresh is based on the server time at the New York Times. I’ve tried it, so you just have to be patient and wait until the next day to play another mini.