While the name of the event certainly wants you to do a double take, it’s true: Apex Legends is getting a new Quads mode in its latest event, alongside a new collection of skins and a particularly devious-looking Lifeline Prestige skin.
The Double Take collection event’s biggest draw is obviously Quads. Four-person teams will reign in the takeover LTM that will run until the end of the season, which will stretch all the way through July and should end on Aug. 5. Respawn says the loot pool will be “adjusted” to make sure the bigger team sizes doesn’t mean you’re constantly fighting your teammates for loot. On the other hand, if you’re already always fighting your teammates for loot… maybe get some new teammates?

Ranked will continue to deliver the core three-person team experience of traditional Apex, which isn’t expected to change any time soon. But a Quads mode lets you bring an extra friend in on the fun and is sure to deliver some chaos.
As far as cosmetics go, the theme of the event seems to be “legends as other legends.” Alter gets an Octane-inspired mask, while Octane’s own mask has more of an Alter tinge to it as well. In the most hilarious swap, Revenant’s mask turns into a cute, smiling kitten in blue and yellow, while Conduit gets a hood, mask, and dark blood-red accents to hammer home the double takes this event wants to deliver.
And if you unlock all of those skins, you’ll be able to get your hands on Lifeline’s new Prestige skin, Apex Corrupter. The fully leveled-up version of the skin gives Lifeline a full gas mask and canisters that look suspiciously like Caustic’s Nox gas. The Prestige Finisher included is also a treat as D.O.C. gets in on the fun with a truly brutal send-off to any unfortunate enemies you’ve knocked.
The Double Take collection event begins on June 25 and will run until July 9, when the cosmetics and free prize track will disappear. Quads, however, should stick around until the season’s end.