Every so often in Pokémon Go, there are Special Research tasks where you must select from multiple paths to earn different rewards. The Dawn of a New Discovery has three choices to pick from to earn multiple rewards: the Emolga, Crabrawler, or the Ducklett branching path.
The choice is entirely up to you, and you must make it after completing the first series of tasks for this Special Research. The choice does matter, as it provides a selection of specific tasks for you to fulfill, with slightly different rewards. However, like many of the smaller Special Research tasks in Pokémon Go, the changes are moderate and don’t largely impact your overall gameplay during Pokémon Go Fest 2024.
Is it better to go with Emolga, Crabrawler, or Ducklett in The Dawn of a New Discovery in Pokémon Go?

While it does come down to personal choice, I would recommend going with the Emolga path for The Dawn of a New Discovery Special Research. Emolga is a more desirable path than the others of Emolga’s use in the Pokémon Go Battle League and attempting to catch it. Crabrawler is not necessarily the best Pokémon in the mobile game, and while Ducklett is a solid option in the Little Cups, they regularly appear in multiple in-game events.
Beyond the Pokémon choices for The Dawn of a New Discovery, the tasks don’t change too much. Whichever path you pick gives you tasks to catch that particular Pokémon. You’ll need to catch seven of them, so you have to catch seven Emolga. For those who don’t want to invest too much time into catching this particular Pokémon, it might be better to go with Ducklett or Crabrawler, as they spawn in Pokémon Go far more often. The reward for catching seven is a guaranteed encounter with that Pokémon.
Outside of this task, the rest of them throughout The Dawn of a New Discovery Special Research is the same for each path. You earn the same rewards, which include a Cosmog encounter and 10 Cosmog candies when you reach the end. For those looking to fuse their Necromza with a Solgaleo or a Lunala and want to use their Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy, 10 Cosmog candies are another requirement.