If you’re wanting to upgrade your Energy Cells in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’re going to need Zonaite—and a lot of it.
Zonaite is one of the newest materials introduced in the Legend of Zelda franchise with the release of TOTK. Players will first find Zonaite on the Great Sky Island. But the floating island’s Zonaite deposit is dwindling, so you won’t be able to rely on its resources forever. When you get to Hyrule, you may be struggling to find the mineral because it isn’t always easy to locate, given that it appears only in specific areas around the map.
Here’s where you can quickly farm Zonaite in TOTK.
Best Zonaite locations in TOTK
After getting the quest “Camera Work in the Depths” at Lookout Landing, you’ll be instructed to throw yourself down a giant hole in the ground, which will be surrounded by Gloom. These chasms act as the entrance to Hyrule’s Depths, a vast underground area that’s pitch black and chock-full of enemies. Before you dive in head first, be sure to bring enough Brightbloom seeds that you can throw to illuminate your surroundings.

When you get to this area, you’ll be able to activate nearby Lightroot, which act as waypoints for fast travel. They also light a massive area, helping you to avoid running into enemies or Gloom.
It’s in this underground area where you can find nodes of Zonaite. Slain enemies will drop the mineral as well, so be sure to smack a few Bokoblins with your sword whenever you see them. The best way to quickly farm Zonaite, however, is to locate a Zonaite mine.
How to farm Zonaite fast in TOTK
While there are a few different mines—or areas on the Depths’ map that typically harbor Zonaite—the easiest one to reach is the Daphnes Canyon Mine. Head to the Iayusus Lightroot, which is just west of the Nisoij Lightroot. Once you’ve arrived at the Iayusus Lightroot, continue west. You’ll eventually come across a pit with ancient columns and massive nodes of Zonaite. The map will indicate that this is Daphnes Canyon Mine.

Here, you’ll find plenty of rock deposits that will drop Zonaite upon being destroyed, including massive walls of the mineral. For these giant walls of Zonaite ore, we recommend using a Bomb Flower or two to destroy all the nodes very quickly, as shown in our video below.
It’s at the Daphnes Canyon Mine where you’ll also find the Miner’s Top, the chest piece in the Miner’s armor set. This outfit causes Link to emit a bright glow to illuminate his surroundings, which is very useful when exploring the Depths. We recommend collecting all three pieces of the set if you haven’t unlocked all the Lightroots in the Depths yet.
Once you’ve collected enough Zonaite, head on over to a forge to convert them into Crystallized Charges that you can later exchange for Energy Wells at a refinery. These Energy Wells increase the capacity of your Energy Cells, allowing you to power ancient devices like fans and Fire Emitters for longer periods of time.